From student to customer to worldwide leading community expert
The Mid-life Resilience Club is a coaching membership service which assists women through life changes founded by Adelle
Martin. Adelle started in Ugenie’s ‘How to Build a Membership Mastermind’ course after which she launched her membership offering on Ugenie uHubs and then upgrading to uApp.
Midlife Resilience Club's Main Problem
Adelle wanted to scale her 1-2-1 coaching practice of mid-life women into group programs and a monthly membership. She was adamant that Facebook Groups was not the right place for her community.
She wanted a place that would be free from distractions and where her members could focus on her content, However, she also wanted to bring her members to a space that they would feel comfortable to use.
“It was such a pain using 4-5 different tools to manage my members - Ugenie was perfect.”
Adelle Martin - Founder of Midlife Resilience Club
How Ugenie Met Their Needs
As Ugenie has modelled its member experience on Facebook & LinkedIn, her members were able to easily adopt it and are consistently engaged. Pleased with the results, Adelle has
recently upgraded to uApp, and the Midlife Resilience Apps will have its own branded community platform within the app store.
Average Monthly Active Users
Membership Growth