How to Add an Event | Ugenie | uHubs: Leader Guide

4 min read
October 28, 2021

Events are an excellent way for you to market your community and for your members to form meaningful interactions with one another.

Here you can add events to your calendar for your members to view and attend.

Ugenie's event management function allows members to stay informed about upcoming workshops, socials or forums via a calendar.

We recommend hosting unique and bespoke online events regularly as they are great engagement boosters and a way to humanise your membership business.

Enter: Ugenie's Event Management

  1. Log on as an Administrator

  2. The default landing page is Dashboard

  3. Find the Navigation Menu on the left-hand side

  4. Click Calendar

Click Add Event

Title Enter the name of your event. Email Addresses Enter the emails of the members you wish to market the event to. Description Enter the description of your event. Ensure it is engaging!

Time Zone

Choose a time zone for your event.

Starts At Here our scheduling tool helps you manage and publish many events. Choose to schedule your event for a particular date and time. Ends At Choose the date and time you want your event to close.

All Day Choose to host an all-day event.

Tags Choose to assign the event to specific tags you have created. Alternatively, create custom tags for this event only. Member Types Choose to target the event to specific member types you have created. Groups Choose to target the event to specific groups you have created.

Click Publish Event

Event Added’ will appear at top of your screen as confirmation.

The event has officially been published and is available to view on your calendar.

And there you have it! That’s how to add an event on uHubs!

If you are a community leader, on Ugenie or not, why not join the Ugenie Community, and explore our thriving network, diverse resources, and software? Ugenie Members: If you are a community leader, or in the business of community, try a Ugenie hub, for free, for 45 days.

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