As mentioned in How to Link Your Vimeo Account, the Hub Settings tab allows you to fully tailor your hub to your brand’s needs with various customisation options. Each community consists of different managerial roles. To accommodate this, we have developed the Management Functions tab under Hub Settings.
The tab means that leaders can easily delegate community management tasks to other administrators and create a clear organisational structure. Also, from within the Members section, members themselves can be promoted to administrative roles. It's a great way to reward high levels of participation.
Here we delve into the specifics of Management Functions and how to alter them.
Enter: Ugenie's Management Functions
Log on as Administrator
The default landing page is Dashboard
Find the Menu in the top right-hand corner next to your name
Click Hub Settings
Scroll downwards
Click Management Functions
Account Holder The Account Holder is the person who started the hub. They are automatically the Manager of the hub. As Managers, Account Holders have access to the Manager Dashboard in this section alongside rights to manage the community.
Community Managers Community Managers can manage members, moderate content and change the hub’s settings. They have access to the Manager Dashboard.
Operator Click Operator to assign Operator status to Manager. Operators receive emails to alert them when a member requests to the join hub. At least one Manager must be assigned as Operator. The Account Holder will be assigned Operator by default if no Manager is assigned. See All Posts Click See All Posts to allow Manager to view all of the hub’s content. Ordinarily, members will only see content assigned to their type and group. Act As Brand Click Act As Brand to allow Manager to interact and post as the hub’s brand. Managers can essentially become brand ambassadors. Ordinarily, member interactions and posts are viewed from them personally. Remove Click Remove to stop an individual’s role as Manager.
And there you have it! That’s how to change your management functions on uHubs!
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